19 Ağustos 2010 Perşembe

Ruki's Health Condition and Some "Fans[Shame on u!!]"!!

Well i am sure everyone knows that the GazettE's tour Nameless Liberty of Six Bullets has been postponed due to Ruki's sickness. He has Reinke's edema and wasnt able to sing Linda and half of Kantou at Kouchi Live.

First of all i have to say that i was soo soo scared for him. Couldnt sleep for 2 nights but since Aoi, the king of tweets, is back to spamming and all the Gaze Members said they will be baack. So this is a huge relief~

Second: In Ruki's condition doctors usually says "u should stop smoking!" that is something AWSOME!! i am sorry Ruki i am really sorry but i really glad to hear it and i hope doctors,members,managers and everyone else took ur cigarettes awaay~ i really hope iit ><

3, someone should stop Ruki from saying he is "sorry" ~~ he doesnt have to! He is a human after all and like all the humans he can get sick too~! 「ルキの健康の為に祈ります」 I can imagine how hard he is being himself and how sad he is at the moment. No not like i had such a memory but its Ruki. His voice is his instrument and everyone in the group and all the stuff depends on his voice~ Everything depends on his voice so i can imagine how bad he feels. But at the moment i believe the only thing he should do is resting. He can repay this when he is back with his all myth! ^^ I am sure he will be back with his everything with more wildness,more power, more charm[yes mister u will!] with his awsome voice~

4, i am sure almost everyone has LJ here and saw the comments of few stupid stupid fans. at least they call themselves fans! >< they dont deserve it! they commented like "haha he must have sucked so much c*ck last night" Its so~ rude!! So rude!! I wouldnt dare joking like that about Ruki's voice. our dear chibi vocalist's voice! Its not a joke! Its his life on the line! I hope ur heads can get this! Didnt you listen Hesitating Means Death?? If you didnt go listen it! He really put his all in to this group we love so much!

And seems like there are people who got angry with Ruki. How dare youu?? Wasnt he doing his best to entertain you? Make that night and the others unforgettable for you? Didnt he stressed himself, push himself soo hard ?? If he was so happy of postponing the tour he would say he had swollen cord and he cant sing but instead of saying that he went on stage and did his best! Think twice before saying/talking things! Those kind of people really doesnt know anything about appreciation! ><

And lastly everyone was like "whats gonna happen to Tokyo Dome?" Do you really think that if Ruki cant get well there will be a Tokyo Dome? Do you hear/read what you say/write twice? There is thing that is more important than Tokyo Dome, Ruki's voice! Ruki himself! I know you bought tickets for japan and for concert, you organised lots of things i dont intent to mean "forget about it all" but i think we should put Ruki before Tokyo Dome. Since they did it this year they can still do it next year to Tokyo Dome! But of course i hope ruki gets well soon and goes for Tokyo Dome! ^^

Sorry if i sounded like a bad person or if i was so hard on "someone" but this is how i feel for Ruki's condition at the moment.

sorry for my bad english ><