22 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe

Tranlation of Naraku's few parts

SORRY! But i am still trying to translate this thing as you can see~~ this are the parts that i am most confident and i loved yet i still cant be sure of the meaning of Naraku[it can mean basement,hell and eternity] and i found "eternity" better in here~
however its ruki so cant be so sure~~ This are my favorite parts

痛みよりも深くあなた感じてたから [Itami yori mo fukaku anata kanjiteta kara]
演じてゆける [enjite yukeru]
「because i felt you more than this pain i can keep pretending」

ばらばらに散る情欲の先に愛していると答えて [barabara ni chiru jouyoku no saki ni aishiteiru to kotaete]
「before this sexual desire scatter in pieces i answered "i love you" 」 [hope i was able to catch the meaning >< ]

首筋を這わせるその手さえ信じていたい[kubisuji wo hawaseru sono te sae shinjiteitai]
「I want to believe even to this hand which crawls my[?] neck]

愛憎の狭間夢を見ていた [aizou no hazama yume wo miteita]
[ i [?] have looked the interim dream of love and hatred]
温もりが剥がれてゆく [nukumori ga hagarete yuku]
[this warmth is peeling off]
情欲に塗れ信じた [jouyoku ni mamire shinjita]
[ covered in lust and believed]
愛の終わりに [ai no owarini]
[in the end of love]
奈落を見た [naraku wo mita]
[i[or u?] saw the hell

ahaa from Naraku~~ ahaa i am not good at this i told you~~ i cant make sure if he is saying "me" or "you"~ sorry for this but the pro translation will be smething close to this i believe

i think song is simply about a dead love~ yeah in here this loved was killed and lost.and i faled at explaining myself as can be seen! EPIC FAIL!


21 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba

奈落 - the Gazette [Romaji+Kanji]

奈落[Naraku] - the Gazette!


Kakechigau honnou to karada
myakuutsu [gyaku] wo enjiteta
shizuka ni sugaritsuku you ni


Futari ha totemo kirei datta
「kegare」 wo shiri sugiteta kara

bara bara ni chiru jyouyoku no saki ni aishiteiru to kotaete


Azawarau ka no you ni mukidashi no kizu wo hoshigaru
Itami yori mo fukaku anata kanjiteta kara
Enjite yukeru


Kowareteku risei to karada myakuutsu [gyaku] wo mitsumeteta
Sono te ni oboreru you ni

Futari ha totemo kirei datta

bara bara ni chiru jyouyoku no saki ni aishiteiru to kotaete


azawarau ka no you ni mukidashi no kizu wo hoshigaru
Itami ni mi wo shizume anata omou

Kubisuji wo hawaseru sono te sae shinjiteitai


Aizou no hazama yume wo miteita
nukumori ga hagarete yuku
Jyouyoku ni mamire shinjita ai no owari ni

Naraku wo mita

① Well Kanji is 泬 is reading like Ketsu but Ruki says shitsu or i miss understand it

Kanji lyrics are official but romaji translation belongs to me so please credit to me if you are using these!!
Even i do understand some parts my japanese isnt so well to translate the whole song~~ i dont wanna ruin this beautiful song so sorry v.v

「the GazettE×黒執事Ⅱ」コラボCM

Okaaay this is nice~~
I am sure meveryone heard about it but i have just heard it from Aoi[check out his twitter~!!]


Here is the CM~ i find it really cute~ ^^ its a must watch~

20 Temmuz 2010 Salı

hi there~ ('-'*)♪

yeah the GazettE again~ here we go!
cos i didnt slept till 5 am i woke up at 12.00 today so late to say yes but
HESITATING MEANS DEATH [HMD] is avalaible on youtube now! as a friend said "DONT YOU DARE MISSING IT!!”

Yeah i SOO believe that it's a must listen~[or how ever itsaid ] 聞かなくちゃ!~
and Shiver is out tomorrow so please dont miss it!! Dont you DARE missing it!!

Livejournal is betraying to me!! After 1 year i decided to join in but now it says "page cant be viwed!" Fuck off~ seriously! 凸(`LX) 

so Sakai posted Ruki's picture it seems like Ruki didnt know about it while Sakai taking the picture otherwise he would pretend like working xD (⌒∇⌒)ノ””

1- with the way he is eating that chocolate he looks like a little child
meccha kawaii~~

2- I adore his sandals~~ They are shinny yes agreed but still adore them and envy cos even i dont have a sandal like that~~

3- he is wearing capris!! that made me look at the picture my mouth wide open for a really long while! For some reason seeing him wearing a capri and showing his legs made me shock~ there was this picture which he was wearing something like a short but obviously it was longer than a short and i forgot what they are called ><

4- He is back to blonde~~~ I think he loves it a lot~ huh? But it looks really good at him so cant blame him~ But he shouldnt die his hair that much~~ I am sad for his hairs still they look good ^^

5- He really doesnt look like as if he is working about stage~~ seriously~ what if he was watching porn and Sakai took the picture and showed it all us!!
[Stop there a minute and imagine Ruki's anger for a moment~ Yes i know i am scared too! lol]

Anyway this look just made me love him more and more even from back!! I just lol'd over his cuteness for a really long while!!!!

Okay i am not a yaoi lover but there is this person who is reaally but realy good at drawing Reituki even i looked at the picture my mouth wide open and i wasnt even able to get the mouse close to the [X] button!! She rocks!
Aivelin @ Deviantart!! If you are a Reituki lover you will just adore the drawer just in the second you open the page~

Pwease Ruki dont kill me for showing yaoi to yaoi fans >< PWEASE~
I am not a buyer just a seller!
買主訳じゃないんだよ!私は売り手だけね!~  _・)ノ_・)ノ_・)ノ_・)ノ_・)ノ_・)ノ    

読んだありがとう!thnx for readin'! ^^ (o^∇^o)ノ

14 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba

Some Ruki conversations Part 2

This was a must be post soo

"sakai: Don't say it's impossible for me to diet...
uruha: Plus, I got fanmails telling me that you took a shortcut way back home last time!!
reita: The man with world's lowest will power!! What a strange story!!
kai: Are you going to run today?
sakai: Of course!!
ruki: No way, he won't!!!
sakai: Believe me or not, it's all up to you!!
gzmen: We don't believe you!!!!
sakai: aah~ seriously~~ have faith in me already!!"

God they are soo true!! Ruki said it too hursh but he is just SO rght there!!

"reita: there's ramen, tsukemen............................................ it rhymes luls X3

*after 30 seconds of silence*

ruki: I really wanted to respond to that but..!!!
aoi: Whatever you were going to say will only be an insult haha~! "

God Aoi just said it soo right!! Why Ruki why do u have to be soo blunt >< XD

"It was office day, but i had to go get Ruki first~

*rings the door bell*

ruki: I'm coming, I'm coomiii~ing.
sakai: Hey!! I'm here, let's go!!
ruki: Yes, okaaaaa~y
sakai: I'll wait for yo~u.
ruki: k,okaay~

*after 3 minutes of waiting for our fashionista Gang leader*

*ruki paused before getting in the car*

ruki: Ryou-chin, did you take your bath yesterday?
sakai: EH?! I did take my bath!! i used the MA CHAERIE shampoo and the BODY SHOP soap! plus I'm wearing GUCCI's Envy on so... I dont think I smell all that terrible!!
ruki: Ah, so it's old people's smell, eh?
sakai: Are you serious?? But Aoi told me that it's OK that i'm a bit chubby, because i dont smell bad...............
ruki: I'm sorry!! Sorry!! You don't smell bad!!

sakai: I'll send you back home today!!
reita: EH? I'm fine~! Plus, I heard that you kinda smell today...
sakai: No No No, I dont smell at all!!!
reita: I heard that you stink like a pig!!
sakai: AAH!!! Do you believe in all those gossip office-girls tell you?
reita: It was a lie?!! I'm sorry!! Well then... thank you for your kind offer!! Would you please send me back home?
sakai: Yessir!!

*reita didn't pinch his nose or pause before getting into the car like a certain someone did!* "

1- sorry for the first post i thought it was stylista >< it was fashionista!! xD God he is just sooo RIGHT!!! XD
2- Ruki is just soo blunt and rude >< I cant believe he just said it >< Poor and poooor and beri beri pooor SAKAI!! He even told Reita . God he said that Sakai stings like a pig?!?!?! god Ruki~~ ><
3- >< god he deserved "office-girls" word xD xD xD xD XD XD god i just love that blunt maan!! XD and love Ryou chin!! XD

P/S: Ruki does stretches too but with a stretch pole, we should be glad that he is doing that much right?And he plays golf... with his nintendo =.=;; But as i know he played golf during high school or junior high... Its such a sport for hiim!! ^^
god i just love that man!! <<<3 xD

credits to : http://hakitarun.livejournal.com
Yes please thanks to Lis Lisa on livejournal if you have one!! =]

Okay i was shocked when i read this~~

"DJ : Are there times where your dog goes into the bath with you?

Ruki : There are there are. It totally went in the bath.

Fans : Heeeh~

Ruki : What about it~. ...Fufufu, it went in the bath.

*Below is Ruki's explanation of how he bathes Koron-chan*
Ruki : The dog's forefoot is placed on the pool in the bathtub, the body is lifted up, and the dog tries to move with the hinder legs, producing the sounds "pata pata pata pata". After finishing the bath, I place the dog on the mat at the changing room, and it walks over my bed, and I clean the dog on the bed. Then I put the dog back to it's house. "

sorry i kinda find this trasnlation strange about Koron having bath... i wanted to change it buti just couldnt know how to do it...

"Topic - Parts of the "LEECH" PV which the members recommend

Ruki : The parts were I thought they were good were the part where the skin of the woman comes out, and the part where the bones at the back of the woman like... piyoーn [Uh I did some search and the clearest explanation I can say is it's a cheer when you jump into Hamaguchi's sea, it's in a Game's commercial]

DJ : *Points to the monitor* It's this scene.

Ruki : Zoom in... it's not. (Laughs bitterly)

DJ : Eh, gradually...

Ruki : Piyo~~~~~~~~~....(continues) (Ignoring the picture)

DJ : Ah, that's the bone.

Ruki : O~~~~~~n. Piyo~~~~~~~~~~~~... (continues) (Ignoring the picture...)

Aoi : Hai!! It's the bone, hai. It's the bone, it's the bone~

DJ : This is the bone.

Ruki : O~~~~~~~n. Piyo~~~~~~~~~~~.... (continues) (Still ignoring the picture...)

Aoi : Hai, this is the bone.

Ruki : The bone didn't came out of the back too much in particular. (Laughs)"

God Ruki killed mee!! XD Piyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n!! xD xD XD He just ignored everyone else and kept doing it.. god poor aoi went mad >< he really went mad xD XD xD Ohh dear Oh MAI GOTTO!! xD Piyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n!! XD i'll do this whenever i wanna ignore someone!! thanks to ruki!! and i think Ruki got scared a little in the end when he decided to talk. I can imagine Aoi giving him "answer the fuckin' question!!" look god he made me laugh a lot >< XD XD XD XD XD XD

P/S: Ruki said he would name koron as Jack... he tought on name "Jack" before but then he named his dog Koron... But he said he love the name Jack... so please name everything Jack!! Its sooo "vulgar!!" xD if you name a girl as Jack it should sound really badass and really powerfull ne?! ^^

- "Vulgar" is Gaze men's ultimate praise word!! ^^

- Piyo~~~~~n is my ultimate ignoring word after all! XD xD

Okay Some Ruki conversations Part 1

From Sakai's Blog!!

"A story!
Lately Ruki have been giving me looots of nicknames like...
「Sakai Kong」
「Catfish Sakai」
「Gorilla Sakai」
....eh what? They're all animals!!!!! At least give me a decent human nick name!!!!!"

God!! I lol'd for the nicknames a lot!!

"A story!
Today I wore a soccer jersey to work and...
ruki: What's with that jersey?!?!?!!!
sakai: It's a soccer jersey!!!
ruki: Of course I know what it is!!!! (BUCHAAA) Look at the back! The number is 007!!!!!!
sakai: Isn't it awesomeeee!!!!
ruki: ....Are you OK??? "

1-how someone small like ruki can BUCCHAA someone like Sakai?~!!? And to Sakai he was being BUCCHA ed by Ruki for 15 times!! OH MAI GOTTO!!

2- He is just too rude to Sakai >< Poor sakai!

3- And Sakai god u were the one who told Ruki "Stylista Gangster Leader or something" so why do you even need to explain that its a soccer jersey >< XD

"sakai: Lately, whenever I introduce myself to people, I'd say that my hobby is "Eating".
ruki: So you really did quit your diet, eh??? Just like last time???
sakai: Like last time? I didn't say I wanted to diet, I only thought of dieting!!!
ruki: Yeah yeah whatever!!! Say whatever you want!!! "

God Sakai >< I have to say Ruki is right here~~

And Ruki YAAAYS for subtitles!! He prefers watching things in their original languages!!

"aoi: Ryou-chin, your hairstyle really look like a dinasour!!!!
ruki: Yeah, I don't understand why you still stick to that same hairstyle!!
sakai: Are you serious?? Ah- My fashion is wearing out~~?!
ruki&aoi: Don't use those kinds of ancient words!
sakai: But I told the hairstylist to give me the popular soft mohican cut!!!
ruki: Well you look more like the comedian, Untouchable Yamazaki!!!
sakai: For real???
aoi: Who else did you think you look like???
sakai: Don't I look like Nakata?
ruki: Well~~
sakai: I definitely look like Degawa, right?!!! "

god pooooooorr beri beri beri POOOOR Ryo chin xD XD
I really want to see Ruki's face when sakai asked "degawa,right?!!!" xD XD i can imagine it actually xD

Just this one just killeeeed mee!
"I was in the car with Ruki and...
sakai: THat person over there is a Sumo Wrestler, am I right?
ruki: He is!
sakai: He's got a good physique for a sumo wrestler!!
ruki: He looks just like you, RYou-chin~
sakai: EH?! Are you saying that I have a nice physique too??
ruki: Btw, are you still on your diet??
sakai ♪♪♪♪ *whistling*
ruki: AH!! DON"T TELL ME!! You quit??
sakai: *sweating like mad*
ruki: Aaaaaah- You can't act like this!! A man is only as good as his words!!
sakai: I'm sorry..."

I just love RUKI~~~!!!
He even didnt bother to answer Sakai's "EH?! Are you saying that I have a nice physique too??" question xD xD

"ruki: EH? Do or die? Noo0o it's not like that! It's just normal. We won't die if we don't do encores~... HEeey!! Stop interrupting me!!
fans: *laughs*
ruki: What I'm trying to say is... don't call us out for encore immediately after the main live ends!! Let us rest a bit first!!! Start calling at least... 5 minutes after?
fans: EEEEeeeehhh??
ruki: So can you not call us out for encore so quickly tonight?? Osaka?? Oi? Can you do it or not??!
fans: *laughs&CHEERSS!*
ruki: Noo0o!! I'm serious!! Let us regain our strength back for a bit!! Or else we'd all drown in this fatigue. We'll break!! And if that happens, we won't be coming to Osaka for awhile~
fans: EHHH?
ruki: But if I do have to come over here, I'd probably have to change my name or something hahaha!!
fans: EEEH??!!
ruki: Ah? ........ SHould I get a beating?
fans: *laughs* "

Its from FC lives during Ruki's MC... god he makes me laugh a lot. he was actually talking to himself there for a while because non of the fans seem to understand him right? XD XD
And that "get a beating" thing is from the beginning of the tour. He said something wrong and hit his own head and fans raised tehir fists and pretend to hit Ruki's head and they said "boing!" and he laughed a lot. I want to see that face of Ruki's~~

"I drove Ruki back home and in the car, Koron kept barking at me, going all "Woof Woof Arrf!!" and it sounded like he was crying!!
Then Ruki took Koron in his arms and Koron immediately stopped crying!!
I looked, only to find that Koron has fallen asleep in Ruki's arms!!!
That's amazing Ruki!!

But it seems that, without a doubt, both Reita's Keiji and Ruki's Koron hate me. *cries* "

God i had to share this one!! I just LOVE KORON!! もちろんパパの犬だね!!Koron sure is Papa's doggie~~

"I went out to meet up with Ruki today and...
ruki: It's a bit warmer today!
sakai: Yes it is~
ruki: I shouldn't have worn these short sleeves.
sakai: Ah, but you'll be burning hot inside if you wear long sleeves!!
ruki: But I like it better that way~ "

God ruki is just sooo >< i cant fidn anythiiiing to say to hiim!!
And someone was able to make Ruki eat tomatoes!! THIS HAS TO BE RECORDED!! god i want to give a award to that person~~

"On the way to Aoi's house...
ruki: Aah~. Even though we have the tour coming up, we're busy doing other stuffs!!
sakai: I know right?! Btw, how have you been feeling lately?
ruki: I'm doing OK!!
sakai: If you can do anyting right now, what would it be?
ruki: I want to go to the hot springs!
sakai: OOH!! That's a great idea!! Want to go to aSuper Bath-House after this?
ruki: Ah, no no!! I want to go somewhere with great atmosphere, so I'll feel refreshed.
sakai: Aaaah~ that kind of place, eh!!
ruki: And I want more tiiimmee!!! Then I can sleep till I'm dead!!
sakai: Alrighty then~ do your best!!
ruki: What's that supposed to mean!?!!

God he went to the Onsen with Koron and even gave him a bath!! Ruki&Koron Rocks!!

"Today Ruki went into the recording studio and...

ruki: Aaaah, I want more time!
sakai: Is this OK?
ruki: How long do I have for the studio?
sakai: About 2 solid days!!! Can your body take it???
ruki: I'll do my best!!
sakai: Please do!!!
ruki: Btw, how many stairs do they have in that studio?
sakai: It's best if you dont think too much on it...
ruki: Yeah, okay...

THen after that Ruki contacted me through mail and said...
"Because I dont feel like I have enough time so, I want to go to a vacant studio."

He's going all out for it!!! So I replied...
"I'll find that kind of studio for you ASAP!!" "

God Sakai is working really hard to please Ruki~~ I dont think he is trying hard to please other members~~ But the stair talk amde me llaugh alot.. god ruki is just soo lazy for doing some sport huh ? XD XD

"ruki: If it's for your case Ryou-chin, it's like a 200kg person trying to loose 150kg!! It'll be really intense from now on!! Ryou-chin, just give up!
sakai: NONONO!! I will loose weight!! If I don't loose weight, I'd buy anything you want, Ruki!
ruki: Anything I want?? How about Bottega Veneta?? Yknow, even I can't afford those kind of stuff.
sakai: Bottega Veneta you say? I'll buy it for you!!

..to tell you the truth, I don't think I can afford it!!
but it's our little secret!!!! "

Now you understand why Sakai said that he said he was just "thinking"... God Ruki xD he is sooo in to the clothes and so cruel to Sakai.. why you said "just give up!!?" courage him a little bit god you ruki >< XD

and for now i am keep searching for you!!
No i wont talk with myself like dear Sakai does~~ ><' xD

So please thanks to Lisa Lisa

I dont have a livejournal so please thanks her for me!! I am just thankfull taht she kept translating!! I am just too lazy to do translating ><;; Yes please send your thanks to Lisa Lisa and thanks her for me too if you are using livejournal =]

13 Temmuz 2010 Salı

Recochoku!! + the GazettE


from keita http://recochoku.com/pc/info_gazette/

but ur keitai is not reading Japanese like my stupid Keitai you amy ahve some trouble ><
i need to download Japanese language for my keitaai!! help~~~

okay this made my day in the morniing!!

okaay i am not so good at japanese but this one is good however i am still having problems with my keitai but this is really good you can download shiver to your phone or for your PC... there is this comments from users about members... i coudlnt solve that one... about ruki user 猫りんご commented... there is thing about his voice... happpi,sad and kinda... i didnt really get that part... help??? pweasee~~~


12 Temmuz 2010 Pazartesi

KORON FanClub!!

Okaay! i dont know how i forgot this pic of koron ><
i am still not sure if you saw it before....
i am actually not sure if its koron but to me its soo KORON!! so here we goo

dont you think Koron is soo "papa's" booy! he is the cutest thing i have ever seen!! Ruki is soo lucky!! soo lucky!! and Koron is so lucky for having a "papa" like Ruki!! I wanna sleep on Ruki's tummy like Koron!! it would soo much fun huh? ^^ XD
i really wanna opena a "Koron FanClub" xD
like in taht twitter joke XD ruki really should open kinda FanClub xD

and this pic too

first of all I LOVE LOVE ADORE Ruki's house a lot! he seriously has the taste!!
i adored his slippers too, they are kinda strange. and dont you think taht Ruki has really huge feet for a person is his height... oO
but that cigarette i know he is the sexiest smoker ever but i really do want to take it from him and put it in his ass!!i really want to do it~! i soudn sadistic? i sound like not lovin him? ohh god u R so WRONG!!! I want to do it because i love him! Meccha suki kara yaritai da ne!!

atleast its a smokeless tabako and good for environment. i wish i could say the same things for his lungs and all organs!!

p/s: for a second i thought the twitter joke was real and i was having an heart attack xD

Saaaa Minaa! Tadaimassu xD

Minna kikoeru kaa?!! Hora matte kure yo!! [Mieru ka?]tte deshou oO xD

soo This is Abby Michiko導子[nuh not ma name fo sure!] You can call me Abs too =]

I am just soo new in here and just logged in to support Julien please watch her blog too...

http://piggyjulien.blogspot.com [JuLz Territory]

but who am i saying this to? i dont have many readers.. actually i dont have any readers at the moment!! You r probably thinking that i am stupid or somethin like that! I am soo close to it xD I can say stupid things and do stupid things easily!! Trust me...

I dont know how to use this blog so show mercy~~

Okay to tell that i am a super uber Gazecholic and a super uber Rukicholic!! I am a Rukist![ahh do you remmeber 'Ruder' ? XD]
And i love Gackt and Miyavi a lot but my whole world is Gaze and mostly Ruki. That mans smile makes me jsut soo happy that i am on the clouds~~ Flying without wings!! XD Yes i am so much in to GazettE i can make you bored with it so if you say i dont want such things then pwease dont keep reading!! wakaru? saa

shomme your Ruki rabu~~~~~~ xD

okay okay i am shuttin up in here!!

i hope i can keep posting this thing >< i just suck at it as you can see!! yeah my japanese is probably isnt good as my english but you cant say my english is good too right? i even cant talk my own language ToT
which language can i talk then?