20 Temmuz 2010 Salı

hi there~ ('-'*)♪

yeah the GazettE again~ here we go!
cos i didnt slept till 5 am i woke up at 12.00 today so late to say yes but
HESITATING MEANS DEATH [HMD] is avalaible on youtube now! as a friend said "DONT YOU DARE MISSING IT!!”

Yeah i SOO believe that it's a must listen~[or how ever itsaid ] 聞かなくちゃ!~
and Shiver is out tomorrow so please dont miss it!! Dont you DARE missing it!!

Livejournal is betraying to me!! After 1 year i decided to join in but now it says "page cant be viwed!" Fuck off~ seriously! 凸(`LX) 

so Sakai posted Ruki's picture it seems like Ruki didnt know about it while Sakai taking the picture otherwise he would pretend like working xD (⌒∇⌒)ノ””

1- with the way he is eating that chocolate he looks like a little child
meccha kawaii~~

2- I adore his sandals~~ They are shinny yes agreed but still adore them and envy cos even i dont have a sandal like that~~

3- he is wearing capris!! that made me look at the picture my mouth wide open for a really long while! For some reason seeing him wearing a capri and showing his legs made me shock~ there was this picture which he was wearing something like a short but obviously it was longer than a short and i forgot what they are called ><

4- He is back to blonde~~~ I think he loves it a lot~ huh? But it looks really good at him so cant blame him~ But he shouldnt die his hair that much~~ I am sad for his hairs still they look good ^^

5- He really doesnt look like as if he is working about stage~~ seriously~ what if he was watching porn and Sakai took the picture and showed it all us!!
[Stop there a minute and imagine Ruki's anger for a moment~ Yes i know i am scared too! lol]

Anyway this look just made me love him more and more even from back!! I just lol'd over his cuteness for a really long while!!!!

Okay i am not a yaoi lover but there is this person who is reaally but realy good at drawing Reituki even i looked at the picture my mouth wide open and i wasnt even able to get the mouse close to the [X] button!! She rocks!
Aivelin @ Deviantart!! If you are a Reituki lover you will just adore the drawer just in the second you open the page~

Pwease Ruki dont kill me for showing yaoi to yaoi fans >< PWEASE~
I am not a buyer just a seller!
買主訳じゃないんだよ!私は売り手だけね!~  _・)ノ_・)ノ_・)ノ_・)ノ_・)ノ_・)ノ    

読んだありがとう!thnx for readin'! ^^ (o^∇^o)ノ

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